Saturday, April 17, 2010


This past week was the 2nd week of me being a full-time stay-at-home dad and part-time freelance graphic designer. It's actually not as tough as I thought it would be, but then again, I didn't have any pressing deadlines that required extreme focused times of work.

Recently, I thought of some things that are what I call "underrated things that you have to endure with a baby that no one really talks about." These are definitely are not deal-breakers to having babies, but it's just some things that are not enjoyable (at least when you first encounter it).

1) Clipping finger/toe nails: when I first did it, it was the most nerve-racking thing I've done in a long time. The whole time I'm thinking, "Don't cut too much. Don't draw blood." After half-an-hour, I move to the other hand. At least it felt like half-an-hour. Let's just say after I was done, my back was all sweaty.

2) Cluster feeding: not enjoyable, but it's a good sign that baby is going through growth spurts. But when you haven't had time to shower or eat and she starts screaming for more milk for the 3rd time in 3 hours, it gets tiring. It's only temporary, it gets better...

3) #2 in the bathtub: we were told to watch out for it during birth/parenting class. So, when it first happened, it's like, "What the? Oh no! Get her out! Get me a towel! What do we do now? Rinse her off with the shower head. Hold her here. No here!..." After a couple more times, we were pros at poo in the water. It hasn't happened recently, so that's a good thing. A tip, don't feed the baby right before the bath. Now it all makes sense.


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