Thursday, April 8, 2010

happy 3 month birthday!

Makayla and Uncle Jeremy

Today, we (Mommy, Daddy, Uncle Jeremy, Uncle Nathan) celebrated Makayla's 3 months with a chocolate cupcake that Uncle Jeremy picked up from Whole Foods. It cost $2.99, round it up to $3 and it's a perfect match - $1 for each month. No, it doesn't mean that on her 300 month birthday that we'll be getting her a $300 cupcake. By that age, she can buy her own $300 cupcake, or her friends can. We'll chip in 25 bucks or something.

[On a side note, Jeremy discovered that Whole Foods knocks off 20 cents off your bill if you don't use a bag or you bring your own. Other grocery stores only take off 5 cents. Although, WF costs a bajillion times more for food.]

As you can see in the picture, Mak was quite intrigued by the fire that was in front of her. I was secretly hoping that she would wow us by blowing out the candles without us telling her. Since this was the first time we've done this, there was no way she would know what to do anyway. Hey, she's already amazed us with plenty of other things, so I expect the unexpected. Especially when she had a hefty blowout poo right before the festivities.

Happy 3 months baby girl!


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