Abe here...After Makayla's bathtime comes bedtime. We've tried to keep her on a nighttime routine, so she knows that it's time to wind down for bedtime. It begins with a bath, then feeding, bedtime story (if she doesn't fall asleep while feeding), and then sleepy time. Amazingly, Mak is now sleeping a good 6-7 hours through the night. She started doing this at about 2 months old, and we thought this wasn't possible for another 2-4 months! The first time it happened, Heidi and I woke up in the morning and thought we had slept so deep that we didn't hear her cry at night. We went to her room expecting her face swollen and bed sheets soaked with tears, but she was sound asleep with her arms sticking straight out the sides, just the way she likes to sleep.
Looks like Mak just fell asleep after feeding...no bedtime story tonight. Ok, nevermind, she just opened her eyes...
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