A week from today, I’m going to be sitting in my office, catching up with 3 months worth of work emails. It’s amazing how fast time flew by. Where did the last 3 months go?! My 14-week ‘vacation’ is up soon and I have to go back to the working world. Before I had kids, I’ve always told myself I’m not going to be a stay-at-home-mom...I didn't think I would be able to stand staying at home and doing nothing but taking care of the baby and chores. I still can’t see myself doing that now... but now that I am a mom, to think that I’m going to miss seeing my baby grow up just breaks my heart. I’m really going to miss spending time with her, watching her grow, develop new skills, learn to roll over, take her first steps, speak her first words…I think I’m even going to miss changing her diapers…yup, even the blowout ones. The other day I was taking an afternoon walk with makayla and got all choked up when I told her I won’t be able to take walks with her like this anymore once I go back to work. *sigh* (my eyes are getting blurry as I type this). What if she forgets about me and thinks that I’m another relative that visits every night?! …this is going to be a tough transition...
wow it has been fast! praying ur transition is not as hard as u fear. maybe u should invest in a web cam or work from home some of the time. :)
Yikes! Time flies! I agree with KK - webcam!!
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