Wednesday, December 28, 2011

more words (23 months)

"bob" = tomato
"eesh" = cheese
"EHHHH WEHHHHH" = Eric (imitating popo calling Eric from downstairs)
"eesh" = please
"ew" with a head nod = Thank you
"boy" = not sure if she really means boy
"no way" = no (really don't know where she learned this one)
"aw" = straw
"eh?" = wanna play?
"wai" = "wan" Chinese word for "play"
"orange" = orange
"eh-ai-ss eh-ai-ss" = edelweiss, edelweiss...
"moh-ning" = morning

Mak also started mouthing words when you sing to her as if she's singing with you but with no sounds. It's hilarious!

Here's what her numbers sound like:
1 - usually mouths it with no sound
2 - "oo"
3 - "ee"
4 - "or"
5 - "ai"
6 - "shix"
7 - silent (but she recognizes it if you ask her where 7 is)
8 - "eight!"
9 - "ine"
10 - "en" or "en en"

...guess we need to work on those opening consonants!

Took some random pics with the iphone while practicing saying the word "cheese".


Bao said...

Bob! Hahahahaha!!! I love that girl.

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