On Memorial Day weekend, we did something we've never done before...took a family road trip down to Oregon Coast with Heidi's extended family (maternal side)! Here's a recap by the numbers.
ONE - awesome God who blessed us with this family and the opportunity to spend some quality time with each other1 - giant beach house in Neskowin, OR where we spent two nights and one day (Thanks to the Le Family!)
5 - minivans to transport everyone down to the coast by 5 awesome drivers (Thanks Myron, Eddie, Abe, Eric, Brian!)
24 - people attended this trip (plus one awesome dog...lai cha!)
16.5 - months of age of the youngest member of the family...Makayla!
90 - years of age of oldest member of the family...popo!
3 - number of bloomed roses we saw at the Rose Garden (maybe next time!)
11pm - the approximate hour when Brian led us into playing some really fun family games (cup stacking, marble picking with chopsticks, transporting cookie from forehead to mouth were the highlights!)
24 - plates of waffles, eggs, bacon, yam fries, tater tots, fruits for brunch on Sunday morning
15 - pounds of steak Kyle marinated and Abe/Jada grilled for dinner on Sunday...yum!
45 - minutes of precious family worship time where we sang praises, read scriptures and shared about things that we're thankful for
200+ - wontons wrapped for brunch on Monday
15 - minutes of high-energy aerobics group dance taught by the one and only, Ms. Mavis!
5 - bags of trash we brought back to dispose of (after a 2-hour entertaining conversation about how to dispose of the trash during dinner)
0 - injury (if you don't count the small glass cut on Heidi's finger)
...to name a few...
Click here for photos from Eddie's camera.
Click here for photos from Fausta's camera.
Here's some footage (courtesy of Eric) of this amazing trip from one of the many cameras...
15 - minutes of high-energy aerobics group dance taught by the one and only, Ms. Mavis!
5 - bags of trash we brought back to dispose of (after a 2-hour entertaining conversation about how to dispose of the trash during dinner)
0 - injury (if you don't count the small glass cut on Heidi's finger)
...to name a few...
Click here for photos from Eddie's camera.
Click here for photos from Fausta's camera.
Click here for photos from Abe's camera.
Here's some footage (courtesy of Eric) of this amazing trip from one of the many cameras...
Footage from our video camera...
wow! sounds like an amazing trip! so awesome you all could do something like this. praise God for his many blessings!
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