"bob" = tomato
"eesh" = cheese
"EHHHH WEHHHHH" = Eric (imitating popo calling Eric from downstairs)
"eesh" = please
"ew" with a head nod = Thank you
"boy" = not sure if she really means boy
"no way" = no (really don't know where she learned this one)
"aw" = straw
"eh?" = wanna play?
"wai" = "wan" Chinese word for "play"
"orange" = orange
"eh-ai-ss eh-ai-ss" = edelweiss, edelweiss...
"moh-ning" = morning
Mak also started mouthing words when you sing to her as if she's singing with you but with no sounds. It's hilarious!
Here's what her numbers sound like:
1 - usually mouths it with no sound
2 - "oo"
3 - "ee"
4 - "or"
5 - "ai"
6 - "shix"
7 - silent (but she recognizes it if you ask her where 7 is)
8 - "eight!"
9 - "ine"
10 - "en" or "en en"
...guess we need to work on those opening consonants!
Took some random pics with the iphone while practicing saying the word "cheese".
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
dancing mak (con't)
age: 23.5 months
song: Poison (Dance Central)
Fast forward original video to 1:29 and play Mak's video for an interesting comparison!
Original video:
Mak's version:
song: Poison (Dance Central)
Fast forward original video to 1:29 and play Mak's video for an interesting comparison!
Original video:
Mak's version:
Makayla dances to "Poison" from Jeremy Wong on Vimeo.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
freestylin' mak
age: 23 months
song: Teach Me How to Jerk (Dance Central)
song: Teach Me How to Jerk (Dance Central)
Makayla freestyle from Jeremy Wong on Vimeo.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
artist, musician or dancer?
Mak's first works of art. Unfortunately, she didn't seem to like art class very much. Twice she pointed at her shoes and dragged daddy to the door before class was even over. Maybe it's too early for art class. Mak does seem to excel in music class. She likes following the teacher's movements (tapping on her knees, following dance moves, etc.) and loves to play with all the toy musical instruments. Maybe music/dance is more her thing...at least for now. We'll see.

growing mak
Makayla is growing up so fast! Guess it was time to invest in a big girl seat!
And in the middle of November, Mak officially declared that she will NOT sleep in her crib anymore! For a few weeks, she managed to squeeze her way between mommy and daddy. While we loved cuddling up with Mak, it was definitely not a long-term solution! So...we invested in a big girl's bed! Well, to make it worth our money, we picked a reversible bed that turns into a bunk bed (if you turned it up side down)...and a big enough bed to last us awhile! (maybe the next 16+ years?!)
Daddy working hard and Mak being super helpful by not getting in the way (with the help of some really fascinating, educational YouTube videos)
hm...I think I might need a bigger one, mommy!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
first words (22 months)
For awhile we were worried that Mak might have a slight language delay. She was really good at expressing herself with sounds and pointing but not with words. Maybe she was still trying to figure out the bilingual thing...all Chinese with grandparents, all English with her uncles and Chinglish with mommy and daddy.
One morning Around 21.5 months, Mak started to repeat letters and words that start with them beginning with A/apple. And from then on, new words started popping up gradually. It's been fun hearing her speak! Here're her first words so far...
1. "miu" = milk
2. "nana" = banana
3. "appo" = apple
4. "bubbo" = bubble
5. "egg" = egg
6. "Elmo" = Elmo
7. "ma" = mommy
8. "da" = daddy
9. "yeh YEH" = Chinese word for daddy's daddy
10. "yeh YEH" = Mak's mischievous way of calling "gung gung" - mommy's daddy
11. "mama" = daddy's mommy
12. "popo" = mommy's mommy
13. "bay bee" = baby
14. "moore" or "mooooi" = more
15. "amen" & "ah-moon" = English and Chinese Amen
16. "eat eat eat" = wants something to eat...usually spoken with conviction and finger pointing at mouth
17. "daaah" = daddy, mommy or just wanting someone's attention
18. "OHhhh", "MO", "NO" = no
19. "ball" = ball
20. "I daat" = iPod touch
Alphabet she can recognize and repeat: A, B, E, I, M, N, O, S, X, Y(usually whispers this one)
Numbers: 8 (what a true Chinese girl!)
One morning Around 21.5 months, Mak started to repeat letters and words that start with them beginning with A/apple. And from then on, new words started popping up gradually. It's been fun hearing her speak! Here're her first words so far...
1. "miu" = milk
2. "nana" = banana
3. "appo" = apple
4. "bubbo" = bubble
5. "egg" = egg
6. "Elmo" = Elmo
7. "ma" = mommy
8. "da" = daddy
9. "yeh YEH" = Chinese word for daddy's daddy
10. "yeh YEH" = Mak's mischievous way of calling "gung gung" - mommy's daddy
11. "mama" = daddy's mommy
12. "popo" = mommy's mommy
13. "bay bee" = baby
14. "moore" or "mooooi" = more
15. "amen" & "ah-moon" = English and Chinese Amen
16. "eat eat eat" = wants something to eat...usually spoken with conviction and finger pointing at mouth
17. "daaah" = daddy, mommy or just wanting someone's attention
18. "OHhhh", "MO", "NO" = no
19. "ball" = ball
20. "I daat" = iPod touch
Alphabet she can recognize and repeat: A, B, E, I, M, N, O, S, X, Y(usually whispers this one)
Numbers: 8 (what a true Chinese girl!)
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Monday, October 31, 2011
trick-or-treating 2011
Makayla went on her first shopping mall trick or treating at Bellevue Square this year! It took her a little while to figure out what was going on but eventually, she caught on...even tried to take candy out of her cousin's basket! Too bad she couldn't eat any of her candy this year! Maybe next year, Mak!

Monday, October 10, 2011
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
mama mak week
Mommy took a week off to hang out with Mak since she will be gone for a whole week in October, traveling to Washington DC for work.
We packed the whole week with activities:
Monday - hang with popo, gung gung, caufuu, taipo as usual
We packed the whole week with activities:
Monday - hang with popo, gung gung, caufuu, taipo as usual

Tuesday - art class at Gymboree for the first time. Mak uses wet paint for the first time and of course got it all over her light pink shirt!

Wednesday - special trip to Group Health lab so mommy can get a "special test" done
Thursday - oops forgot what we did...cuz mommy was too excited about the results from the "special test"
Friday - story time at Bellevue First Presbyterian Church (Mak loved it!), shopping at Toy's R Us, and lunch with aunt Jada and uncle Kyle

Mommy, I found something I reeeally like!

It was a fun week!
Monday, September 5, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
the zoo
We took Makayla to the Woodland Park Zoo for the first time this past Saturday. We've never seen so many strollers in one place. "Driving" around was almost like driving in a Viet Wah parking lot. Ok, not quite that bad. Nevertheless, it was a good time. Mak finally got to see the real versions of animals that she's only seen in books. Well, some of them. There were a few that were taking their naps and were out of sight. But she got to go up close to an Orangutang (behind glass) that was snacking on some broccoli.
Friday, August 26, 2011
relections from a mom with eczema
...a fitting picture for this post would be my eczema-filled hands but I'll spare you from that awful imagery...
My hands are essential to me. I use it 24/7...8 hours a day, 7 days a week at my day job, I use them to arrange flowers for church and for weddings. I use them to do house chores (when I actually do them). And most importantly to me, I use them to show care and affection to my daughter, Makayla. I don’t see her that much during the day so giving her baths at night is my chance to bond with her. I love holding her hand for walks and giving her big hugs. I’m also on full diaper duty on the weekends (to give daddy a break). So you can imagine how inconvenient it was when my chronic eczema spread all over my hands and in between every finger.
When I said chronic, I meant life-time- had-it-since-birth (or as long as I can remember)-chronic. It comes and goes and appears in different parts of my body – most of the time the most visible parts (ie: forehead, face, neck, hands). For the most part, I have accepted it and have tolerated it all these years. In recent years, it always appeared on my left hand, which I tolerated and used my right (formerly eczema free) hand whenever I have outbreaks (which was pretty often). In fact, I don't remember when my left hand was last eczema free. Anyway, a few months ago, it slowly migrated and invaded my right hand. For those of you who have eczema, you know what I mean …cracked skin, a million tiny blisters waiting to explode with puss, open wounds for days/weeks, can’t wash hands, intense itchiness… Since the recent outbreak, I haven’t been able to give Makayla baths, couldn’t change her diapers or even hold her hand (with all the ointment I have on my hands). Not to mention all the added responsibilities that Abe had to take over due to my unproductive hands!
I’VE HAD IT! (or I should say WE) I was determined to find a cure, to get this healed once in for all. I’ve got to be allergic to something! There’s got to be a reason for this. If I can just find that culprit, I can get rid of this and ‘enjoy life’ again.
So I self-referred to see a dermatologist. Usually appointments are booked months out but I was lucky enough to get in the next day. I’m almost always late to appointments but this time, I was early…so early, I even brought a book to read. Filled with hope and anticipation, I awaited to be seen…
…only to be met by the utmost disappointment…
Dr: …oh that looks like typical eczema to me…you’re born with it, it’s like asthma…it’s intrinsically programmed in you…it’s genetic… it’s how your body reacts…I’m sorry, there’s no cure
Me: …but if I can just find out what I’m allergic to, and the cause of it, maybe I can just eliminate that from my diet or something and it will all go away?...
Dr: no, there’s no cure… I can prescribe you something a lot stronger (than hydrocortisone 2.5%) and some moisturizer to treat the inflammation but there’s really no cure…
These words completely shattered me. Deep down, I’ve known this all along. After all, if there was a cure, my mom would have found it and helped me heal it long time ago when I was little. To hear the doctor say this to me so matter-of-factly just confirmed the inevitable. It’s like a death-sentence or hearing that I have cancer (I know it’s far far far from that but at that moment, it felt like it).
I picked up my ointment from the pharmacy and headed back to work. Somehow the classical music on the radio seemed so much more depressing. The thought of having to deal with this for the rest of my life was somehow affecting me way more than it ever did. The tough side of me said 'just deal with it! You've had this for 30 years already, whats another 50-60 more'. But somehow I was emotional and just had this overcasting sadness about the whole situation.
Then, I thought, (sarcastically, humorously) hmm…I better start saving up for a lifetime supply of hydrocortisone now…maybe I should coordinate with all my fellow eczema inflicted friends and buy it in bulk and save some money…I should start a eczema support group…i bet there's one already... Then I started to lament…why God! why! …you know how important my hands are for me…why eczema, why on my hands…why now…why ever…(with some glimpse of hope)…maybe it’s not that bad. As long as I’m good about keeping my hands moisturized, stay away from soaps and water, try not to get stressed, remember self-care…maybe it’ll be okay. Maybe God ‘blessed’ me with this condition so I can share and empathize with others who have it. Maybe it’s a good thing.
Trying to forget all this and get on with my work day, I shared this with my co-worker who was also a Christian. Instead of just nodding and looking empathetic, she offered to pray for me. She said that I don't have to live with it. I was blown away by her faith and humbled by my lack of faith...what makes me think that God can't heal eczema! If God can raise from the dead...oh, yeah, he can heal eczema! So we prayed and somehow, I felt like God was telling me, hey there, I'm still here! Ask me and you'll be surprised what I can do!
So...to fellow eczema suffering friends:
...who would've thought a visit to the dermatologist would result in such deep convictions...
My hands are essential to me. I use it 24/7...8 hours a day, 7 days a week at my day job, I use them to arrange flowers for church and for weddings. I use them to do house chores (when I actually do them). And most importantly to me, I use them to show care and affection to my daughter, Makayla. I don’t see her that much during the day so giving her baths at night is my chance to bond with her. I love holding her hand for walks and giving her big hugs. I’m also on full diaper duty on the weekends (to give daddy a break). So you can imagine how inconvenient it was when my chronic eczema spread all over my hands and in between every finger.
When I said chronic, I meant life-time- had-it-since-birth (or as long as I can remember)-chronic. It comes and goes and appears in different parts of my body – most of the time the most visible parts (ie: forehead, face, neck, hands). For the most part, I have accepted it and have tolerated it all these years. In recent years, it always appeared on my left hand, which I tolerated and used my right (formerly eczema free) hand whenever I have outbreaks (which was pretty often). In fact, I don't remember when my left hand was last eczema free. Anyway, a few months ago, it slowly migrated and invaded my right hand. For those of you who have eczema, you know what I mean …cracked skin, a million tiny blisters waiting to explode with puss, open wounds for days/weeks, can’t wash hands, intense itchiness… Since the recent outbreak, I haven’t been able to give Makayla baths, couldn’t change her diapers or even hold her hand (with all the ointment I have on my hands). Not to mention all the added responsibilities that Abe had to take over due to my unproductive hands!
I’VE HAD IT! (or I should say WE) I was determined to find a cure, to get this healed once in for all. I’ve got to be allergic to something! There’s got to be a reason for this. If I can just find that culprit, I can get rid of this and ‘enjoy life’ again.
So I self-referred to see a dermatologist. Usually appointments are booked months out but I was lucky enough to get in the next day. I’m almost always late to appointments but this time, I was early…so early, I even brought a book to read. Filled with hope and anticipation, I awaited to be seen…
…only to be met by the utmost disappointment…
Dr: …oh that looks like typical eczema to me…you’re born with it, it’s like asthma…it’s intrinsically programmed in you…it’s genetic… it’s how your body reacts…I’m sorry, there’s no cure
Me: …but if I can just find out what I’m allergic to, and the cause of it, maybe I can just eliminate that from my diet or something and it will all go away?...
Dr: no, there’s no cure… I can prescribe you something a lot stronger (than hydrocortisone 2.5%) and some moisturizer to treat the inflammation but there’s really no cure…
These words completely shattered me. Deep down, I’ve known this all along. After all, if there was a cure, my mom would have found it and helped me heal it long time ago when I was little. To hear the doctor say this to me so matter-of-factly just confirmed the inevitable. It’s like a death-sentence or hearing that I have cancer (I know it’s far far far from that but at that moment, it felt like it).
I picked up my ointment from the pharmacy and headed back to work. Somehow the classical music on the radio seemed so much more depressing. The thought of having to deal with this for the rest of my life was somehow affecting me way more than it ever did. The tough side of me said 'just deal with it! You've had this for 30 years already, whats another 50-60 more'. But somehow I was emotional and just had this overcasting sadness about the whole situation.
Then, I thought, (sarcastically, humorously) hmm…I better start saving up for a lifetime supply of hydrocortisone now…maybe I should coordinate with all my fellow eczema inflicted friends and buy it in bulk and save some money…I should start a eczema support group…i bet there's one already... Then I started to lament…why God! why! …you know how important my hands are for me…why eczema, why on my hands…why now…why ever…(with some glimpse of hope)…maybe it’s not that bad. As long as I’m good about keeping my hands moisturized, stay away from soaps and water, try not to get stressed, remember self-care…maybe it’ll be okay. Maybe God ‘blessed’ me with this condition so I can share and empathize with others who have it. Maybe it’s a good thing.
Trying to forget all this and get on with my work day, I shared this with my co-worker who was also a Christian. Instead of just nodding and looking empathetic, she offered to pray for me. She said that I don't have to live with it. I was blown away by her faith and humbled by my lack of faith...what makes me think that God can't heal eczema! If God can raise from the dead...oh, yeah, he can heal eczema! So we prayed and somehow, I felt like God was telling me, hey there, I'm still here! Ask me and you'll be surprised what I can do!
So...to fellow eczema suffering friends:
- Hang in there! The bad days will pass!
- Who wants to put in a bulk order of hydrocortisone with me?
- Don't scratch it or else you'll suffer for a really long time!
- Let's join in faith and pray that God will heal our eczema no matter how bad it is. All things are possible with God!
...who would've thought a visit to the dermatologist would result in such deep convictions...
Thursday, August 25, 2011
bun in the oven
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
more dancing!
Another dancing video courtesy of Uncle Jeremy. Mak's imitating the puppets in the Sound of Music.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Friday, August 12, 2011
Thursday, August 11, 2011
putting on "diapers"
Makayla has developed a desire to change diapers, or at least to put them on others. "Others" as in her stuffed animal friends. Heidi showed Mak once and now she loves doing it.
This time, she went to the bathroom by herself to get some toilet paper to use as "diapers" for her Monkey and Elmo. Excellent. She'll be a big help with future siblings and babysitting gigs!
In a few months, we'll show her that Monkey and Elmo have learned to use the potty and don't wear diapers anymore. Hopefully, she'll catch on and start training herself to do that too! :)
But for now, Mak likes to sit on her free-standing toddler potty that we put next to the toilet. Then she'll ask one of us to sit next to her (on the adult potty). AND, she demands that we take two magazines out and give one to her to read. Guess she's well on her way to be potty trained.
Don't ask about the outfit. I think she just came back from doing chinese gardening or something.
This time, she went to the bathroom by herself to get some toilet paper to use as "diapers" for her Monkey and Elmo. Excellent. She'll be a big help with future siblings and babysitting gigs!
In a few months, we'll show her that Monkey and Elmo have learned to use the potty and don't wear diapers anymore. Hopefully, she'll catch on and start training herself to do that too! :)
But for now, Mak likes to sit on her free-standing toddler potty that we put next to the toilet. Then she'll ask one of us to sit next to her (on the adult potty). AND, she demands that we take two magazines out and give one to her to read. Guess she's well on her way to be potty trained.
Don't ask about the outfit. I think she just came back from doing chinese gardening or something.
Friday, July 8, 2011
2011 swimsuit edition
It's that time of the year that we've all been waiting for! Finally, on the hottest day of the year, thus far (July 6, 2011), we finally get to dunk Makayla into the pool! It's been a year since the first time, and of course she doesn't remember. At first she was a little scared, but once we got her whole body in the water, she was so exicted. Even more than the first time!
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