Tuesday, October 26, 2010

9.5-month update

okay, 1.5 months is a little too long without an update. Makayla has grown so much since our last posting...don't even know where to start!

Age: 9.5 months
Weight: 19lbs and counting...
Height: 2'4"

New sounds:
* mamamama
* bababababa
* yeh yeh yeh yeh
* smacking lip sound (tai po/great grandma taught her to close her mouth so she can keep her drool in)
* miew (aka milk)

New foods:
(3rd level Gerber dinners)
* spaghetti in meat sauce
* chicken noodle
* mixed vegetables

New 'self-fed' finger foods:
* yam/sweet potatoes
* banana (one whole banana in one sitting to be exact)
* grapes
* broccoli
* chicken pieces
* watermelon
* rice
* pasta

New skills:
crawling on all fours
* super fast crawling when she's heading to a 'forbidden' area in the house and is about to get caught
* supported standing and grabbing EVERYTHING within reach
* dancing/swaying to music or strong beats
* holding bottle
* waving
* nodding

Favorite activity: still eating...

Least favorite activity: putting clothes on

pics to come...


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