Thursday, July 29, 2010

i scream for mum-mums!

It's been awhile, and my little brother Jeremy has been getting on my case to update the blog. So here are a couple nice pics to start. Beware, torture sequence to follow. All these photos were taken by Uncle Jeremy.

Last week, Uncle Jeremy came by to visit and play with Makayla so I could get some stuff done. Later, this is what I find later on my camera:

Makayla loves her Baby Mum-Mum rice crackers. Enough to endure the torture that Uncle Jeremy put her through. Somehow, in the end, Mak ends up with an interesting rice cracker moustache.

Here's some video footage of how Mak goes cookoo for Mum-Mums:

What? Another video of the same thing? Actually, this one is a little different since Mak is actually nodding her head in response to wanting Mum-Mums.

Friday, July 23, 2010

new dress

Thanks Auntie Steph for the new dress!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

first mariners game

Makayla went to her very first Mariners game (vs. Chicago White Sox) on a beautiful summer day. It wasn't terribly exciting (not for her at least) so she decided to take a nap. We did manage to take a family photo in front of the SafeCo Field sign. Go Mariners!

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Today was another fun day! Mommy got done with flowers early so we went for a swim. I've never done this before so Mommy and Daddy was a little worried that I might not like the water. To their surprise, I LOVED IT! I wasn't scared and as soon as I hit the water, I started paddling with my legs. With their help, I swam (more like floated) across the shallow end of the pool many times. By the 10th time around, I think I got the hang of it and started moving my arms too! It was fun. The neighbors said that I was a better swimmer than them! I got super tired and went straight to bed after a nice shower. It was so much fun, maybe we'll go again tomorrow! Here're some pictures from my first time swimming!

pre-swim photoshoot. check out my stylin' swimwear! I looked like a cute orange grenade with all those floaty things attached to my suit. This awesome suit is a hand me down from either the Chans or Soumphonphakdys. (Sorry too many things to keep track..but THANK YOU both!)

getting my feet wet...literally

...and off i go!

...with Mommy's help of course! :)

...sorry, no pictures with Daddy in the water cuz he's my official photographer.

I wanted to swim away but Mommy kept holding on to me.

Friday, July 9, 2010


I think we may have our first word. It depends on the context of when it's used, but it's definitely only used when food is involved. A couple days ago, Mak started saying "ma!" So we thought, oh she's calling for mom! So much for "da" or "dad" being first, but "ma" is still good.

The next day, I noticed that she would say it when she's hungry, and mom's at work. So while feeding her rice cereal and milk, I would first give her milk and then rice cereal, back-and-forth until we're done. This time, after a few bites of rice cereal, she started saying "ma! mal! meh!..." while reaching for the bottle. That's when it clicked, she's telling me she wants milk!

So it's been a couple days, and it's been consistent that when she says variations of "ma" "mal" "mel" or "meh" it's meaning that she wants milk. It's starting to sound more like "meh" which is getting closer to the "mi" sound in milk. That darn "lk" is tough.

Could it be that her first word is "milk"?

6 months

Yesterday was the hottest day of the year so far: 95°F. A few pics from last night's fun. Po Po and Goong Goong stopped by to celebrate with us. Yes, that's a big bowl of blended carrots. Mak had that while we ate carrot cake. All of it. Just kidding. She does like carrots. We fed carrots to her for the first time, mixed with rice cereal, and she kept wanting more.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


It's been a while since we've posted. But here are a few "firsts" to catch up on:

Updated: 7/7/10 with more stuff!

1) Starting to sit for a while by herself without falling on her face. Still can't leave her to sit by herself, but we're getting there!

2) Hello teeth! Mak doesn't waste any time when she's awake. She'll find something to bite on from the moment she wakes up till she's asleep.

3) Sucking toes. When she first started sucking her toes, we'd catch her doing it and she would stop like we caught her doing something bad. Now she just does it whenever. Very liberally. With as many toes possible (up to 10).

4) First Father's / (Grand)Father's Day! You don't know what it's like to be a father until the baby's out of the womb. So last year's Father's Day when Heidi was pregnant with Makayla was fake. Same goes for all the first-time-fathers-to-be or i-hope-to-be-fathers out there. We had dinner with Abe's family and Heidi's family at Abe's family's house. I (Abe) still had to grill all the meat, so I guess my child doesn't cook for me yet on Father's Day...for a while.


With "Yeh Yeh" (Abe's dad). Sorry no pic with "Goong Goong"

Chinese/American BBQ Dinner

Mak will be turning 6 months old on 7/8/10. Half a year down. Before you know it, she'll be off to college... *sniff*