Tuesday, June 22, 2010
I see them! And I'm not talking about my own! Two of them, on the bottom! Just spotted them last night! Drool production has risen 300%! 5.5 months old!
Friday, June 18, 2010
food critic
Omigosh, it's been a week since the last post! Well, this week has been a pretty good week, other than one fussy time on Wednesday - which that moment alone tired me out for the rest of the day/night. I know, how wimpy, but you try doing this by yourself during the day!!!
Mak is sure lovin' to eat rice cereal and getting to eat more like a grown up (with a grown up feeding her). When she sees us big people eating, you can tell by the look in her eyes that she's imaging chewing on whatever is going into our mouths. Sometimes we touch (safe) food to her lips to see her reaction. 9.9/10 times she makes a face like it's the most horrible thing in the world. So far, she's only accustomed to mama's milk, formula, rice cereal, her toys, her blankey, and her fingers. We tried to give her a little banana, but she doesn't like it yet. She makes a face even at the smell of it.
Mak is sure lovin' to eat rice cereal and getting to eat more like a grown up (with a grown up feeding her). When she sees us big people eating, you can tell by the look in her eyes that she's imaging chewing on whatever is going into our mouths. Sometimes we touch (safe) food to her lips to see her reaction. 9.9/10 times she makes a face like it's the most horrible thing in the world. So far, she's only accustomed to mama's milk, formula, rice cereal, her toys, her blankey, and her fingers. We tried to give her a little banana, but she doesn't like it yet. She makes a face even at the smell of it.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Hello world! Today is Friday and some fun things happened at the Wong's. First Uncle Nathan and Uncle Jeremy showed up to visit and to play. Uncle Jeremy took some nice shots of Mak having a droolin' fun time.

Later in the day, I put Mak down to play with the jungle gym in her room and I went into my office next door. Within minutes she had transported herself under the crib, and she does not know how to crawl yet:
She started out under the jungle gym!

Later in the day, I put Mak down to play with the jungle gym in her room and I went into my office next door. Within minutes she had transported herself under the crib, and she does not know how to crawl yet:

Normally, she can only roll to her left side and gets herself stuck against the chair leg. At that point, she'll let you know she's stuck. I assume with time she'll learn to roll the other way, and I know she didn't roll to her right to get under the crib. Maybe she'll be one of those people that have the fear of making left turns while driving, but for her it's turning right.
PS Don't worry, I vacuumed the carpet yesterday.
PS Don't worry, I vacuumed the carpet yesterday.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
happy 5 months!
Time flies! Can't believe Makayla is five months old already! To celebrate her birthday, we treated her rice cereal! We think she liked it...the part that she actually swallowed at least. It was a bit messy but all contained (bib completely soaked!) Nonetheless, it was just as exciting for her as it is for mommy and daddy (maybe more for us) to see her try something new!



angry sign for "ALL DONE"
Friday, June 4, 2010
backwards bib = cape
I just came to realize that a backwards bib all of a sudden transforms into a cape. Mak did this on her own while playing in the mega saucer. On purpose? I'd like to think so...because to play on the Mega Saucer you must be Super Makayla!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
mega saucer!
Last week, I decided to put together the hand-me-down Mega Saucer from second-cousins (? Heidi's cousin's kids) Mavis and Marvin.
Droolz. I think she likes it. And yes, she's wearing all blue.
Droolz. I think she likes it. And yes, she's wearing all blue.
confessions of a stay-at-home dad con't
This is a continuation of my initial stay-at-home posting, along with more "underrated things that you have to endure with a baby that no one really talks about"...
4) When your baby gets fussy: and you've gone through the checklist of things that usually make them fussy (i.e. hungry, tired, dirty diaper, gas, illness, etc.), track back to the last time they've pooped. Mind you that it's "normal" that breastmilk fed babies don't poop everyday and can go as long as 2 weeks without pooping without it officially being called constipation (yes, as crazy as that may sound, that's what the pediatrician said). I don't even want to know what damage that would do when it all comes out after 2 weeks. That would be the end of the world, or at least everything within a 10 foot radius of the blowout would need to be replaced. Mak has never gone that long. But last Thurs-Fri, she was extra fussy, nothing could soothe her, pick her up, put her down, yadayada. I got nothing done those two days. Come Saturday, thank you God, she pooped. Back-to-back diaperfuls with no blow out. Double thank God. Then she was happy...and so was mommy and daddy.
5) People don't tell you things: because when they go through it, no one told them about it, so it's pay back. But I'm not like that, since I'm telling you now.
Disclaimer: There is no scientific or medical evidence (unless sources stated) to any advice I give. These are just from my observations from raising Makayla. Don't blame me if your kid isn't the same as mine. Results may vary. I am not liable if your baby has any type of diaper blowout.
4) When your baby gets fussy: and you've gone through the checklist of things that usually make them fussy (i.e. hungry, tired, dirty diaper, gas, illness, etc.), track back to the last time they've pooped. Mind you that it's "normal" that breastmilk fed babies don't poop everyday and can go as long as 2 weeks without pooping without it officially being called constipation (yes, as crazy as that may sound, that's what the pediatrician said). I don't even want to know what damage that would do when it all comes out after 2 weeks. That would be the end of the world, or at least everything within a 10 foot radius of the blowout would need to be replaced. Mak has never gone that long. But last Thurs-Fri, she was extra fussy, nothing could soothe her, pick her up, put her down, yadayada. I got nothing done those two days. Come Saturday, thank you God, she pooped. Back-to-back diaperfuls with no blow out. Double thank God. Then she was happy...and so was mommy and daddy.
5) People don't tell you things: because when they go through it, no one told them about it, so it's pay back. But I'm not like that, since I'm telling you now.
Disclaimer: There is no scientific or medical evidence (unless sources stated) to any advice I give. These are just from my observations from raising Makayla. Don't blame me if your kid isn't the same as mine. Results may vary. I am not liable if your baby has any type of diaper blowout.
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