UPDATE 06-04-10: We've come to discover that Mak can only roll like this unto her left side. She has yet to develop skillz going the other direction. So if she hits the wall or a object, she get stuck and screams her head off.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
makayla roll 2.0
The day has arrived where Mak can do a full roll (back to belly to back)! Check out the video in all it's glory. Also, she's discovered her feet and is starting to grab them. I think this is cute.
UPDATE 06-04-10: We've come to discover that Mak can only roll like this unto her left side. She has yet to develop skillz going the other direction. So if she hits the wall or a object, she get stuck and screams her head off.
UPDATE 06-04-10: We've come to discover that Mak can only roll like this unto her left side. She has yet to develop skillz going the other direction. So if she hits the wall or a object, she get stuck and screams her head off.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
makayla roll
It happened. Mak rolled over from her back to her belly without any help. This happened at popo and goong goong's (Heidi's parents) house after dinner, so we had plenty of witnesses. You can also see in the video that she's already multi-tasking by sucking on her fingers and rolling at the same time. By the time I got the camera, she had already rolled a few times. So, by this time, she made it look super easy and smooth. Now she just has to learn how to roll back onto her back.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
what the hey? II
Makayla normally likes playing with the jungle gym after her breakfast, and today wasn't any different. Except, when I left her there by herself (*gasp*) she managed to migrate a little...
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
holding the bottle retro
This is so last month, but Heidi wanted me to post this one up for the world to see. Show-off alert: one finger bottle balance trick toward the end of the video.
Friday, May 7, 2010
double escalator
This has nothing to do with Makayla, other than I just watched this clip while she's taking a nap. I like this show.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
reach for the sky

Makayla officially turns 4 months old this Saturday, May 8th, 2010; but if you count the weeks, she'll be 17 weeks old. As Heidi mentioned in the previous post, Mak had her 4 month check-up and one thing the pediatrician asked was if Mak reaches for things with her arms yet. We looked at each other and shrugged, "Not really, only if it's directly in front of her." We were thinking more if it was directly in front of her and already touching her hand in the first place (i.e. bib or blanket). Then she'll grab it and have a taste of it.
Well, the day after, Heidi puts her down to play on the floor with the jungle gym thing. You know, the thing that has rings hanging off of it for babies to grab when they're lying down. We have one that lights up and plays music when it's pulled. Usually, we're the ones pulling on the rings to make it turn on. I'm in the other room, and I hear the usual music play, but all of a sudden Heidi yells out, "Abe! Come here! Look!" Apparently, Mak knew what the doctor had asked during the check-up and wanted to prove us wrong. Good job baby girl.
Now that she sees that we get excited when she pulls on the the rings, Mak actually pulls them 6-12 times in a row.
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